Frequently Asked Questions

It started with a working Committee of Executive who looked into the feasibility of creating an online Branch.  It was then announced at CWA State Conference in Armidale 2018 and Expressions Of Interest were called for to talk with the Executive Committee members who had been working on the feasibility.   From there it was just a test and trial until Annette Turner, then State President, asked for ideas on a name for the branch and  the “Virtual Branch” was born.  An Expression Of Interest was posted on the CWA Facebook page and the response was huge, although many interested women declined to be members for various reasons.  Zoom meetings were organised to get things underway and the branch was formed in December 2018.  The Virtual Branch belongs to the Mid North Coast Group.

State Conference was in May 2018 and we had our inaugural meeting in December of that year.


Our meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month via Zoom, an online meeting site, for which we pay a subscription.  Our meetings follow the same format as a physical branch’s meeting with office bearers, agendas and minutes like any other Branch.  After the official part of our meetings concludes we can stay online to chat and enjoy a cuppa together – we just can’t share food!

Once members joins the Zoom meeting room the screen is broken into smaller screens with one for each member.  During the meeting, all who are attending the meeting can be seen in the Participants list.  When a member speaks a yellow border surrounds her box on the screen, so we all know who is speaking at that time.  

Members can join the meeting using a variety of devices including computer, tablet and mobile phone. Internet issues are an ongoing problem for some members.

We have challenges fundraising, attending Group events (very few of us live within easy travelling distance of our Group) and attending celebration events. 

This year our President and delegate attended the CWA of NSW 100 year celebration conference at Royal Randwick in Sydney.

In general, as we are not all in the same room, members need not feel isolated from the Branch, as our members strive to welcome everyone and make them feel part of the Branch.  We have instigated a Mentoring program, where a new member is offered an experienced member as a mentor for a few weeks to help them settle in and feel comfortable joining in.

We have overcome the physical distance between members through introducing monthly social meetings which are less formal than our general meetings.  Social meetings often have a guest speaker.  

We have introduced Virtual Cuppas, an informal chat session held several times a month with no theme or agenda.  Virtual Cuppas are the Virtual Branch’s version of dropping in for morning or afternoon tea and a chat.  One member hosts the chat and all members are invited to join in.  

Members have also participated in a Virtual Walk where members who like to walk for exercise were able to chat with each other using their mobile phones and Zoom while walking.

Virtual Branch members also arrange to volunteer and work together on the same day at the Sydney Royal Easter Show CWA Tea Rooms (unfortunately not in 2020).

All members are free to share personal contact details if they would like to have private chats too.

Initially, our fundraising activities were held individually. Two of our members have held bake stalls to raise money for the Disaster Relief Fund and for our branch.  These ladies cooked, packed and worked on their stalls by themselves. 

Our members have previously held individual fundraisers such as afternoon teas, wine and cheese nights or donated money to raise funds.  

We also participate in CWA raffles and the purchasing and selling of CWA merchandise (where possible).

In December 2020 we started a ‘Virtual Street Stall’ on FaceBook.  Our members donate items to sell and the proceeds go to the Virtual Branch.

Fundraising is a challenge for us.  We are currently working on new ideas.  Any suggestions are welcome.

Members who wish to participate in competitions enter items in their local physical CWA branch competitions.  If successful, these members will go on to represent that branch’s Group.

Our International Day is celebrated via Zoom and members do a short presentation.  Guests and members of other Group branches are welcome to attend.

Mel has been known to produce some wonderful mouth-watering recipes and meals.

To date, members of our branch have held cake stalls, sent drought care packages to other branches in NSW, provided morning tea to the branches in the Barwon Group, knitted or sewn beanies and gloves for the homeless and sewn joey pouches for animals affected by  bush fires.

Recently we have supported Lismore flood appeals and provided donations to the Remote Op-Shop charities.

As we are not all part of one town or community, we look to raise funds and participate in wider community objectives wherever possible.

To meet, educate, participate and socialise in a new way.

Our members chose to join the Virtual Branch for several reasons, including flexibility of attending from home, work or while travelling, balancing meetings with other commitments and socialisation outside of existing friendship groups. Transport, mobility and distance to a physical branch can be an issue for some  members too.

Our members are from a wide variety of backgrounds and professions.  Come along and join us.  

Join the Virtual Branch by email through our Contact Us page.

$55 per year (Oct 22 – Sept 23)

Our members are from all over New South Wales and ACT.

ACT,  Breadalbane, Central Coast, Coolabah, Daruka, Deniliquin, Fern Bay, Griffith, Inverell, Mudgee, Murrumbateman, Sallys Flat, Singleton, wider Sydney region, Tipperary, Tooleybuc, Wagga Wagga and more.

Currently we have over 40 members.

Membership is $55.00 per year (Oct 22 – Sept 23)

Join by emailing us through our Contact Us page.