
Monthly meetings

Our monthly meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month starting at 7.30pm. 

These meetings are held via Zoom.  You will need Zoom on your device (laptop, tablet or mobile) to be able to join our meeting.  The link to their website is  If you have never used Zoom, our secretary is more than happy to have a practice session with you before your first meeting.

An invitation to join the Zoom meeting is emailed prior to the meeting.


coffee, hot chocolate, cup

Virtual Cuppas and Chats

We have  Virtual Cuppas and chats from time to time.  These are an informal get together for those members who’d like to get to know each other better.  These Virtual Cuppas are also held via Zoom.  They are hosted by different members of our branch on different days and times, which are convenient for the hostess.  

An email invitation is sent out on the day.

These chats can be short or sometimes, rather long.  You can join in for any length of time that suits.  No pressure.  

Social meetings

Every month we have a social meeting.  This is generally towards the end of the month.

It is informal with no branch business discussed.  We chat, laugh, listen and possibly learn how to knit, crochet or bake.

Our guest speakers may present at these meetings too.

mic, microphone, sound check

Guest Speakers

We generally have a GUEST SPEAKER each month who talks on their charity or  special interest topic. 

Previously we have had talks on: nursing with The Royal Flying Doctors, School of the Air (Alice Springs), lung transplant recipient, bees and bee keeping, volunteering at the Royal Easter Show CWA tea rooms, The Naked Farmer, Donate Life, Share the Dignity, grief counselling, Eden Whale Museum, Big Brothers Big Sisters,  and more.

Book Club

Every month we have a chat about different books we’ve read or are interested in.  Our discussion might be about different genres, authors, classics or new releases.

If you haven’t read a book lately and would like to participate, not a problem, just come along and join in.  You don’t have to be a keen reader to participate.

From time to time we have authors that come and discuss their writing, their life or why they started publishing their works.

 Everyone is welcome.

books, bookstore, book
laos, kits, color-1933539.jpg

Virtual 'Street Stall'


Starting in December 2020, we began a Street Stall on Facebook.  

Members donate items for sale and all the proceeds go to the Virtual Branch.  You might find an unusual gift or just a lovely handmade item for yourself.

By donating just one item to our stall you are helping raise valuable funds for our continuing community work.

Look us up at the beginning of each month on Facebook:

Virtual Street Stall by the CWA of NSW Virtual Branch.

Handicraft chat

Every month we have a get together where we chat and share craft ideas, do a show-and-tell, or just work away whilst others are learning.

If you would like to learn a new skill there is probably a member who can help you.

Just show up and enjoy a casual natter.

We work collaboratively on projects set by CWA of NSW Handicraft committee.  

Currently the Branch Handicraft Challenge is 4 different pin cushions, for 2024.

Previously these have been aprons, eye glass cases etc

 Everyone is welcome.
